Friday, 31 January 2014

prayer weekend at swanick

i didn't go into this event with the most open of minds as i didn't think that that it would be something that would interest me quite as much as it did. i learned a lot more about myself than i thought that i would, the subject that we were studying over the course of the weekend was Prophecy and it interested me a lot i made like a billion pages of notes, i also filled in one of those cool spiritual gifts booklets i think the official name for it is a Wagner-Modified Houts Questionnaire and this was very enlightening for me as it let me know the spiritual gifts that are more evident in me and what God can use in me for his kingdom, the gifts that it says that i have are helping others, service, an discerning nature, leadership, mercy and giving, i dont know how accurate these booklets are and if i actually have all of these so for those of you that are reading this and actually know me i would appreciate your thoughts as to whether i have them. so in summary the prayer event at Swanwick can be considered a success, WELL DONE GUYS.


  1. Again thanks Axl - really good post.

    I'll make sure the prayer guys see this as I'm sure they would be encouraged.

  2. Glad you enjoyed it!

    Was great to have you all join us.

